
I had the privilege of visiting the Animals Lebanon Headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon. I visited at a very exciting time for this organization because the law that they drafted and campaigned for has been approved by the Council of Ministers and is now waiting to be discussed by the Lebanese Parliament. This law will help protect animal welfare in a country that currently has no laws set in place to protect animals.

This group of people want to create a better and safer environment for all animals and at the same time improve their country. Magnificent Mutts partners with Animals Lebanon to find homes for cats and dogs that would not have a chance at getting adopted in Lebanon due to their lack of pedigree or medical issues. Magnificent Mutts also helps Animals Lebanon by sending supplies that are often not available or simply too expensive in that part of the world.

If you or someone you know would like to know more about Animals Lebanon and the work that they do please feel free to check out their webpage: animalslebanon.org

— Diana C.