Thank you for your interest in Magnificent Mutts Rescue. As an all foster based rescue all meets will be by appointment only.  Your whole family must be available to attend the meet as there will be no second meets scheduled . To help streamline the process please make sure your current pets are up to date, you have landlord/HOA approval, and that you are prepared to take the dog home with you immediately before submitting an application. Thank you & Please stay safe!

Linda nose to nose with rescue
rescue puppies from a puppy mill
underweight rescue
German shepherd rescue on leash
Linda nose to nose with rescue
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Without fostering there can be no rescue. Every year we save the lives of over 1000 pets.


Every little bit counts! Your generous donation helps animals most in need.


You can help animals that we would otherwise not be able to facilitate.

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Recent News

  • An Olive Branch That Built A Bridge..
    Over the past several months, 70 dogs have been stranded in the West Bank when their sanctuary was evacuated due to the encroaching military advancement. Several organizations, rescues and shelters throughout the US including Magnificent Mutts came together to help evacuate these deserving dogs!
  • Emergency International Rescue Effort
    On Saturday, December 2nd, nonprofit pet transport charity Wings of Rescue and a coalition of animal rescue groups including Magnificent Mutts, came together under emergency conditions to airlift over 130 at-risk dogs and cats from the Caribbean-Island of Dominica to rescue groups in the U.S.

Someone you should know

  • February 2025 – Someone You Should Know
    This series is dedicated to helping our community get to know the dedicated and selfless human beings that keep Magnificent Mutts Rescue running. 1) How long have you been with Magnificent Mutts?Adopted my first Mag Mutt, Nutter, in 2015. Brought home my first foster in 2016. 2) As a volunteer, what do you do for…

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