Meet Joe and Michael Latelle
1. How did you get involved with Magnificent Mutts & Meows and what type of volunteer work do you do?
Joe: Well, my mom is the founder so we kind of never had a choice, hah! We end up doing anything she asks us to do. We help move supplies around the house or storage, help with transports (i.e. from the airport), work the 5K, MC at the Pins for Paws, or anything in between. Whatever she needs done, we are happy to help!
Michael: My mom is the President and Founder. I pretty much help with whatever is needed such as, fundraisers, transports, etc.
2. Are you a cat or dog person?
Joe: Dogs, hands down!
Michael: Definitely a dog person!
3. Do you have a favorite breed?
Joe: German Shepherds ALL DAY!!
Michael: Yes, Pugs are my favorite dog breed!
4. Why would you recommend someone adopt a cat or dog?
Michael: There are so many homeless animals out there that need a forever home.
5. What kind of work or hobbies do you do outside of rescue?
Joe: Softball. Basketball. Bocce Ball. Pretty much all sports.
Michael: I like to work on my 1965 Mustang.
6. Do you have a favorite food?
Joe: Steak & pickles – not together of course!!
Michael: I would have to say pasta and pizza. I can eat that every day!
7. What is your favorite song, type of music or band?
Joe: Kind of cliche but I like most types/genres of music. Favorite song right now has got to be the ‘Sound of Silence’ cover by Disturbed, with ‘American Pie’ by Don McLean a close second.
8. Do you have a favorite vacation spot or most favorite vacation memory?
Michael: Cancun 2013. We had around 30 close friends and family go for a week vacation. Plus it was all-inclusive!
9. What is your favorite show to watch?
Joe: This is tough because there are so many right now. But if I had to choose, Peaky Blinders is phenomenal and Friends! I am 28 years old and watching Friends for the first time!
10. Feel free to tell us something about yourself you would like others to know.
Joe: I think what my mom has done with MagMutts is absolutely incredible and inspirational. She (and all of the volunteers) do amazing work, and she is kind of like a celebrity which puts a lot of pressure on her children!! I guess I just want anyone reading this to know that MagMutts is, well, a MAGNIFICENT organization and I love my mom sooooo much!!! 🙂