Meet Dave Schooley
1. What inspired you to start volunteering with Magnificent Mutts & Meows?
A Magnificent Mutts volunteer knew I was looking to adopt a dog because I had asked to use her as a reference with another rescue. She asked if I would help foster when a group of Yorkie-Poos came in several years ago. I’ve been volunteering ever since. The dog I have now, is a Mag Mutts alum.
2. What is your favorite thing about being a volunteer here?
Seeing dogs go to good homes.
3. Why would you recommend someone volunteer in rescue?
It is rewarding and a lot of fun, and you meet lots of new people.
4. Describe a memorable moment you had while volunteering.
There have been a couple of times when a dog I was transporting got loose and started roaming free in the car. It’s ok until they try to get in the front seat or help drive.
5. Are you a cat or dog person?
I am definitely a dog person. I did own a cat once, for a few months; it is an epic story itself, but it is a story that is much too long to go into here.
6. Do you have a favorite breed?
As in something other than a mutt? Shelties, because I grew up watching Lassie and they don’t take up as much space as a collie. (My dad’s parents also had collies when I was very young and they imprinted on me.) Shelties are beautiful and really smart. My previous dog was a sheltie and he was smarter than I am. My mutt might also be smarter than I am, so perhaps that’s a low bar.
7. Why would you recommend someone adopt?
Adopting a dog is giving it a chance it might not otherwise have. My dog came from Beirut, Lebanon, via one of Magnificent Mutt’s overseas partners. Thinking about how she could have spent her life as a street dog makes me really glad that she found her way here.
8. What kind of work or hobbies do you do outside of rescue?
I work in the transmission planning organization at ComEd without actually doing anything to help plan the transmission system. My work involves updating the measurement systems we use to observe and understand what is happening on the electrical grid. All that is somewhat boring of course, I really just want to be a photographer. Nature photography is my primary hobby, and photography is the reason for much of my travel.
9. Do you have a favorite food?
Pizza and sushi, but not together.
10. What is your favorite song, type of music or band?
My music interests are very broad, as in everything from Bach to AC/DC. I’ve become a huge fan recently of Rhiannon Giddens. Her music speaks to me for a lot of reasons, so I guess I’m in a folk music phase right now.
11. Do you have a favorite vacation spot or most favorite vacation memory?
I’ve been blessed with opportunities to go to a lot of amazing places. I went to Antarctica last December. That was the best. I intend to go back.
12. What was the last movie you watched? (or what is your favorite TV show and why?)
Children of Men. It is based on a book by P.D. James which is also quite good.