Meet Dina Sbertoli
1. How did you get involved with Magnificent Mutts and what type of volunteer work do you do for the rescue?
I became involved when PURRS merged with Mag Mutts & Meows. I basically ‘run’ the ‘west side,’ doing intake, photography, online promotion, and monitoring all 25-35 cats. I train Adoption Counselors and I’m the AC at the Naperville Petco every Saturday and Sunday. I oversee all the ‘west side’ volunteers, training and scheduling, answering questions, keeping things running smoothly. I am the Foster Coordinator, and Store Coordinator for two of our three stores on Rt. 59. Working with and for the cats is all I do, 24/7, and there are not enough hours in the day to do it all.
2. Are you a cat or dog person?
3. Do you have a favorite breed?
No, though I find black cats have AMAZING personalities.
4. Why would you recommend someone adopt a cat or dog?
A cat is the purr-fect companion – typically quiet unless they have something to ask or tell you; not always underfoot or in your face; soft and snuggly with a soothing purr; low-maintenance and appreciate routines; independent but loving – and funny.
5. What kind of work or hobbies do you do outside of rescue?
No time for anything else. Not a morning person, so I’m typically up ‘til 4 a.m. trying to catch up on emails or other online cat tasks, then sleep ‘til 10. I’m always thinking of and working on the next cat I can rescue.
6. Do you have a favorite food?
Brownies and other baked treats. And diet coke.
7. What is your favorite song, type of music or band?
Songs from the 70s.
8. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Can’t recall and wouldn’t say.
9. Do you have a favorite vacation spot or most favorite vacation memory?
Vacation? What’s that? Haven’t had one in years but used to go to Door County, Wisconsin every summer and loved it.
10. What was the last movie you watched?
I love watching murders get solved on ID Discovery channel. It relaxes me.