A story we had to tell.

It’s July, a popular month for road trips and vacations. Rachel, one of our volunteers, has a heartwarming vacation memory to share. Here it goes–

A crazy vacation memory would be my honeymoon a few months ago…. not even 12 hours in it turned into a cat rescue mission. Our first morning there we noticed a cat hanging out by the food area and she had very infected eyes. I called around to every rescue and veterinarian on the island to try and get her some help and had one response from a rescue that said they could send me meds. By that afternoon I decided it was best to take the cat to the vet ourselves since we didn’t know exactly what was wrong with her. We finally got Athena to a vet a few days later about two hours from the resort. We found out she was born without eyelids and since she never got treatment it turned into a pretty bad infection.

Fast forward a few weeks, we were already back in Chicago and Athena was still at the vet in Jamaica preparing to fly to the U.S. I had a lady from Canada contact me and she told me to post Athena’s story in the Sandals page and when I did, I found out Athena actually has a HUGE fan base and lots of followers!

Present day, Athena is in Chicago and got spayed and had an eye removed. She will be going to an eye specialist next month and they will do a procedure on her other eye that freezes off the hair above her eyes so the hairs don’t get in her eyes and irritate it. She is actually a little diva and makes me bring her food to her and only prefers to eat mackerel and salmon but I can tell she is most grateful cat in the world!

–Wow, what an amazing story? Consider making a donation to help cover the costs of Athena’s travel, surgery and vet bills. Thank you.