Meet Ashley Knippenberg
1. How did you get involved with Magnificent Mutts and what type of volunteer work do you do for the rescue?
I’m the trainer for Elmhurst Animal Care Center and met Linda during the first few weeks of my training. I met her again at a seminar with Dr. John
Ciribassi about anxiety in dogs. I try to offer any training help I can. Sometimes I assist Linda on adoption assessments, I also work with some of
their dogs prior to adoption to see if I can help make their transition into home life easier. Currently I’m offering free training for life on Bowie
to whoever adopts him.
2. Are you a cat or dog person?
Even though I’m a dog trainer, I really don’t have a favorite. I don’t have a cat right now and I definitely miss it, so I make sure to give all my
love to the cats up for adoption to get my cat fill.
3. Do you have a favorite breed?
I don’t really look for a certain breed when I adopt. I like to see who I click with and who I can give a happy life to. Right now, I have a big hound
mix named Tyson who I’ve had for almost 3 years and I just adopted a cattle mix from Magnificent Mutts named Olive about 3 months ago. I do seem to
have a soft spot for problem dogs with issues who are less likely to be adopted. I think it’s part of my title as a trainer that I can’t get the easy
dogs, I need a challenge.
4. Why would you recommend someone adopt a cat or dog?
There is no better feeling than adopting an animal. As humans, I believe it is our obligation to these helpless and voiceless animals to give them a
second chance. They didn’t ask to be dumped, or used for breeding and we need to tight that wrong. There’s a saying that I think sums up adoption and
why it’s always the best option “Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever”.
5. What kind of work or hobbies do you do outside of rescue?
Right now, I’m really just working with Olive and trying to get her to be a well behaved little dog. She’s struggling with leash walking and potty
training. So I want everyone to know that I’m having the same issues that you are! But stay strong it gets better. Give your dog time and be patient,
they’ll get there.
6. Do you have a favorite food?
I love sushi!
7. What is your favorite song, type of music or band?
I’ll listen to anything really but favorite band would have to be The Strokes.
8. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Probably any of the multiple times I’ve fallen at work in front of clients.
9. Do you have a favorite vacation spot or most favorite vacation memory?
I really like to camp, or go anywhere with nature. But I don’t vacation much, my dogs are pretty needy (haha).
10. What was the last movie you watched?
I haven’t watched a movie in forever but I just got caught up on Orphan Black.