February 2024
This series is dedicated to helping our community get to know the dedicated and selfless human beings that keep Magnificent Mutts Rescue running.

Meet Diana Barzano!
1) How long have you been with Magnificent Mutts?
I have been with MM for 4 years this June.
2) As a volunteer, what do you do for Magnificent Mutts?
Mostly I foster.
3) What is your favorite or most memorable Magnificent Mutts experience or story?
I once fostered the cutest litter of beagles. As they were getting older and a little bigger, they would sometimes walk out the door one at a time. One time, one of the neighbors saw them and began counting, “1,2,3…” as they walked through the door. It was just a hilariously adorable moment!
4) What is your favorite dog breed or dog type?
All breeds and types are my favorite!
5) What advice would you give potential fosters?
Try it! It is SO rewarding. Yes sometimes it’s hard to give up your fosters but then new ones come!
6) What advice would you give adopters?
Best advice I can give is to be patient.
7) Tell us your favorite…
- Type of music: Country
- Sports team: Blackhawks
8) Is there anything more about yourself you want to share with the community?
I am a dental hygienist and I have a black belt in Taekwondo.